Gay-Centered Depth Therapy Group Celebrating Gay Men

Gay-centered psychoanalysis -Are you ready for a group that seriously and depthfully addresses your personal life challenges while celebrating being gay and having a great time with each other?

This ongoing 2-hour weekly online Los Angeles-based gay-centered depth therapy group addresses personal challenges that result from being gay in a straight world such as childhood trauma, depression, anxiety, toxic shame, and anger, while validating the spiritual and erotic essence of our unusual love.

The pioneering gay psychologist Mitch Walker in 1976 called the spirit in being gay an archetypal “double,” a same-sex “soul image.” And going back 2500 years, Plato suggested the existence of a same-sex goddess of love, Aphrodite Urania, suggesting a special “heavenly” quality in gay love. Edward Carpenter in 1914 wrote about gay people having a “double engine psychic-power,” in his Intermediate Types Among Primitive Folk. He further elaborates:

This interaction in fact, between the masculine and the feminine, this mutual illumination of logic and intuition, this combination of action and meditation, may not only raise and increase the power of each of these faculties, but it may give the mind a new quality, and a new power of perception corresponding to the blending of subject and object in consciousness. It may possibly lead to the development of that third order of perception which has been called the cosmic consciousness, and which may also be termed divination.

It is such an uplifting and soulful sense of self that this group aims to cultivate in participants, drawing on such psychological approaches and methods as psycho-dynamic, CBT, emotion-focused, neurobiology, intersubjective and relational, as well as the ancient practice of alchemy as a transformative process of integrating the light and dark parts of the psyche into a greater wholeness, sometimes called “shadow work” or gay individuation, to powerfully generate an enriching gay spirit power. Such a unique blending of various disciplines, conducted by this experienced facilitator can significantly improve your life while enhancing it with a more profound sense of meaning.

This gay-centered depth group for gay men, in particular, utilizes C.G. Jung’s technique of active imagination, wherein issues and subterranean feelings are invoked, provoked, and related to as personifications like “kids” and “demons,” as well as gay ideas, narratives, to enhance and deepen an interpersonal, interactive, community-building dynamism  to produce a remarkable self-developmental, holistic healing effect.

You’re welcome to find out more about how this group can address your problems and concerns while building a uniquely valuable sense of gay community, that contributes to a homosexually “heroic” pursuit of a treasured meaningfulness possessing boundless liberational possibilities and self-empowerment.

Because of the unique nature of the group, strong feelings can be activated and challenging interactions among group members sometimes occur, adjunctive individual work with me is required.

Open the door and come out – inside – to a whole new, more differentiated, soulfully enriched, and gayer you and contact me today for more information for Gay-centered psychoanalysis !

1014 N. Gardner St.
West Hollywood, CA 90046
(323) 252-8824

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